Santa Cruz Earthlings
Why Do We Recommend This Film?
Everyone has a different perspective and different feelings about
the many issues raised by Earthlings. Here are ours in an order free
of sexism, ageism, speciesism and alphabetism:
- Summer
Earthlings reminds me that as a human being I am responsible for this
planet and for all that share it with me.
That I must live a life of love and compassion.
That I have the power to take a stand for what I believe in and that
I must speak up for those that can't.
Earthlings is infuriating in its reality and because of that
I know that everyone who cares enough to watch it will
forever want to be a better person.
- Rick
Earthlings is a film everyone in America should see.
It is the most comprehensive film on the treatment of animals in
all aspects of their human domination.
Some parts of the film are graphic in nature,
but the truth needs to be shown to all,
so that people can make intelligent decisions about the
best way to live here on planet Earth.
- Maureen
Earthlings asks us to face the consequences of our dietary and
lifestyle choices.
Heartbreaking and deeply disturbing,
I found Earthlings almost impossible to watch without turning away.
Still, I hope everyone will watch Earthlings and commit to taking
an active role in ending the suffering of ALL animals.
- Laura
Seeing "Earthlings" made it all personal for me.
It left me no doubt that every choice I make can be a compassionate
one or a harmful one. And it gives me hope, that if each one of us can
make the connection and get in touch with our own compassion,
we can make a profound difference for each other and for those who
are at our mercy. Animals are extraordinary teachers that show us the
way of truth, patience, kindness, and forgiveness.
- Jon
- This film is very hard to watch. If you are not afraid of
seeing what is actually happening, are not afraid of the truth,
then check it out. What you will see are not rare instances of abuse
but common and standard practice.
Try to not close your eyes or turn your head.
Remember that it is quite easy to be well and happy on a vegetarian diet.
Millions of people from all walks of life and all cultures prove it possible.
In fact, there is strong evidence that one can be healthier
on a plant-based diet.
- Eugenia
I have seen a lot of footage of what happens to animals at the hands
of humans in the name of profit, but I learned things from watching
Earthlings that I was completely unaware of, and that changed my
life forever.
I truly believe that whoever has the courage to watch this
film and learn the truth of what our species does on a daily
basis to fellow beings, will have a consciousness raising experience.
There is no way to grow emotionally and spiritually while remaining
in the shadows of ignorance.
This film is a wake up call to anyone who is ready to be roused from
the coma we are in concerning our relationship with fellow sentient
beings on this planet.